There’s benefits to volunteer at the IMFFA

Volunteering is a great opportunity to enhance your professional and social skills. It also brings fun into your life, and teaches you valuable lessons. You can select your own schedule and terms.









Volunteer Benefits


Develop your career

The training and hands-on experience you gain while volunteering can strengthen your resume (CV), help you learn new skills as well as build upon ones you already have. In the United States, employers care about recommendations from other employers, and volunteering is a great way to get good references while waiting for a work permit. It also expands your network, which is essential when looking for jobs.


Make new friends

No matter your age, volunteering either for a single event, or on an ongoing basis, is a great way to meet new people, make new friends, expand your network, and boost your social skills! Easiest way to connect with people who share your same interests and experiences.


Learn about other cultures

As a volunteer, you’ll typically interact with people from diverse backgrounds, which allows you to learn other perspectives. Especially at places like the IMF Family Association, where we are culturally rich, everyday is an opportunity to learn more about others.




Things you can do


  • Create / lead a club
  • Organize events
  • Become a Board Member
  • Lead a committee
  • Teach a language, workshop or seminar
  • Networking
  • Plan charity and fundraising activities
  • Help in the office
  • Share your expertise and skills with others




“Hi, my name is Yomna Elkhateeb. I am Egyptian, and moved to DC in August,2021.  I've traveled extensively through my previous job as a TV Post Producer, but to actually relocate to DC was a big adjustment for me. However, as soon as I arrived I joined the IMFFA group and was welcomed with huge support from the board members and other spouses. I Soon adapted to life in DC, enjoyed meeting and interacting with lots of people from all over the world. 

Last March, I volunteered to help Jimena Lopes organize the Annual General Meeting for IMFFA, which turned out to be a successful event. Jimena Lopes is a great supervisor and a friend who gave me an opportunity that helped me make new friendships, meet lots of interesting people and get hands-on work experience in the US market for event organization.  

On a personal level, my IMFFA buddies Jimena, Karla and Cassia, were one of the reasons that supported me in landing my first US job. I am looking forward to volunteering in the new year events organization, helping our newcomers adjust to their move and create a welcoming experience for them."

-yomna El khateeb

“I joined IMFFA’s book club as soon as I arrived in DC in November 2014 and attended my first meeting in December 2014. Right from the start the group’s meetings became a monthly highlight and I enjoyed the diversity of the books and the international nature of the meetings in members’ homes, where we would discuss the book but also almost any other topic under the sun.  

In April 2018 when Carmen Nielsen resigned as President, following her husband’s retirement and their move to Florida, she asked me if I would take over and I did so. Since then we have met almost every month (except during the summer)and have also had many activities outside the meetings such as attending book talks - Amy Tan, Simon Schama, Isabel Allende, Jose Andres etc. - at various venues in DC, visits to museums and even a book club lunch at the French embassy restaurant.  

Being a member of the book club has exposed me to books that I certainly would not have come across otherwise. The diverse nationalities and backgrounds of the members also means that our discussions always bring out different perspectives and our views on certain books can be very divided, which can lead to extremely lively discussions. Quite apart from discussing the books, however, the book club is a great forum for discussing life in DC and members are very supportive of each other and happy to share valuable tips based on their personal experience. I would strongly encourage anyone new to DC to attend a book club meeting, you won’t regret it…”

-  jULIET Weenink

“My name is JIMENA, I am from BRAZIL. Back in 2019, I was still struggling with having moved to DC and getting my work authorization, but at the end of that year, I had the opportunity to volunteer for the IMFFA bake sale. I loved every minute of it because it gave me the chance to contribute to the IMFFA and the charity institutions they were helping at the time.

In 2020, I tried to get a constant role at the IMFFA, but the COVID-19 pandemic halted my plans. In 2021, even though I was working full time, I had the whim to apply for the IMFFA Board to serve as the Events Chair. I was very glad when I received the news that I was elected since I love planning parties, connecting, and helping people.

This is my second year on the Board, I must say I have learned a lot: I acquired several experiences, expanded my knowledge, and made new friendships. I am very happy about this volunteering job because I like to help people, especially when we come here through the same means. I have firsthand experienced moving to another country, without a family close by."

-Jimena lopes de jesus


Sign up to be an IMFFA Volunteer